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Sunday Announcements -- September 1, 2024

TMBC Sumter, SC

Week 1 - Sunday School Scripture

September 1st

Focal Verses: Genesis 1:26-31, 2:4-7


Announcements - Sunday, September 1, 2024


The TMBC Office is open Monday - Thursday, 9am-5pm.

Please contact the office during office hours for more information about any of the announcements.

The office is not open on Sundays for inquiries.



·         The Anniversary Carnival Committee will meet briefly following Worship Service on Sunday, September 1st.


·         The TMBC Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.


·         The Sumter Chapter of NAACP presents United Against Hate: A Community Conversation on Responding to Hate Crimes & Incidents on Thursday, September 5th at 6pm. Catchall-Shaw Community Center, 2680 Peach Orchard Rd., Dalzell.


·         South Sumter’s Farmer’s Market Fridays!! Every Friday from 4pm-8pm at the South Sumter Resource Center, 337 Manning Ave. Fruit & Veggies Box Giveaway for the first 50 Senior s (65+) Register via the QR code on the flyer or call (803)717-0004.


·         The Nurses Aide Ministry will meet on Saturday, September 7th at 9am. New members are welcome to join!


·         Football fans as we kick off a new season let's wear our Jerseys and T shirts to rep our favorite NFL, College, and High School teams on 2nd Sunday, September 8th the 10am service.


·         Trinity would like to provide assistance with absentee voting and transportation during early voting. Please notify the church office if you would like to participate in these efforts. Early Voting period for the 2024 General Voting Election: Monday, October 21 – Saturday, November 2. Early voting centers are open 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. during the early voting period.


·         Trinity is thrilled to host the USE ME Music & Worship Conference on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Join us for a full day of workshops covering all aspects of the Music and Worship ministries, including vocal, choir directing, praise & worship, and musicianship. There will be a free concert at 6pm to end the day with an evening of celebration and worship! Please see Sis. Deloris Stephenson or the office for more information.


·         The Pastor’s Aide Ministry would like to express our appreciation to all youth for their participation in Pastor Weston’s 35th Anniversary Celebration. We are impressed with your hard work at the various functions at Trinity. To show our appreciation, we invite all youth to a luncheon after Worship Service on Sunday, September 15th. Please sign up in the lobby if you would like to attend.


·         SAVE THE DATE!! Join us on September 28, 2024 for a Worship Arts Workshop on the Prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). Workshop sessions will consist of Music, Drama, Dance, Movement, and Poetry. When guided by the Holy Spirit, true worship can be expressed in different ways. Come, learn, and be a part of manifesting God's word through worshipping through the Arts. This workshop will be open to the entire congregation and will conclude with the art forms uniting for a blessed experience. Please see Sis. Dorinda Thomas for more information. Stay tuned for more details.



Sunday Pickup! Join us for Worship Service! We will pick up you and your family!

To make your pickup request call 803-702-0996 and leave a message with your information by noon on Thursday.


TMBC Prayer Request line

Call 803-702-0810 to leave your prayer request.


TMBC Nursery is open every 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sunday.

Children aged infant to 6 years are welcome!


We are looking for volunteers who are interested in teaching for Junior Church or working in the Nursery.

To sign up for either opportunity or for more information, please contact the church office during office hours, Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm.



All announcements and appeal requests should be submitted to the office by 12pm on Wednesday.

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