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December 17, 2023 Sunday Announcements


·         The Annual Caring & Sharing and Angel Tree will be on Saturday, December 16th at 11am.

o   Pastor Weston asks that all TMBC members donate at least $5 to Caring & Sharing.


·         Winter Youth Coat Drive! The Christian Singles Ministry needs your help collecting NEW & gently used coats for our children. Falecia McKnight 803-795-2580


·         It’s Gala time for the Sumter Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina. Please SAVE the DATE, Tuesday, December 12 at Trinity at 6:30pm. Please contact Debra Canty, President at 803-775-5792 or


·         The greatest gift that God has given to the world is Jesus Christ. During this Christmas season let us show love for our shepherd, Pastor Larry C. Weston, with gifts and love offerings during morning worship on Sunday, December 17th!


·         The Nursery has reopened! It will be open every 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sunday. Please contact Sis. Lamika Scott or Sis. Gwen Weston to sign up your child.


·         The Senior Missionary Ministry will meet briefly following Worship service on Sunday, December 17th. Please see Sis. Hilda Smalls, Chair for more information.


·         God’s Girls & God’s Gents ask that a family representative of each sick & shut in family pick up a care basket immediately after service on Sunday, December 17th.


·         God’s Girls & God’s Gents will be going on a skating trip on Sunday, December 17th. Please see Sis. Curtrice Ziegler or the office for more details


·         Youth Chess Tournament on December 23rd at M. H. Newton Family Life Center at 9am!


·         Youth CHESS CLUB Ministry at Trinity! We will have an interest meeting on Sunday, January 14th following worship service. Please contact Bro. Richard & Sis. Danita Russell for more information, 803-236-7624.


·         TMBC Fellowship & Community Outreach Meal on Monday, January 1st at 10:30am. We ask that all attendees contribute $2. Please sign up at the office.


·         2023 Contribution Report forms are available for pickup. Please return your completed form by January 25th. Reports will be available on January 30th.


·         We are in the process of updating our TMBC Directory. Please complete the information form by scanning the QR code by the office.


Women’s Ministry Prayer Retreat at Lake Junaluska - April 18th-20th. Register today with Sis. Beverly Lemon or Sis. Sandra “Niecy” Williams

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