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December 24, 2023 Sunday Announcements


 The Nursery has reopened! It will be open every 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sunday. Please contact Sis. Lamika Scott or Sis. Gwen Weston to sign up your child.


We are going to be Praying and Fasting for 18 hours as we end the year and begin the New Year, starting December 31st at 6pm and ending January 1st at 12pm.


TMBC Fellowship & Community Outreach Meal on Monday, January 1st at 10:30am. We ask that all attendees contribute $2. Please sign up at the office.


Attention TMBC Family! The Christian Singles Ministry will be sending care packages to our college students. We need the parents, grandparents, and students to provide us with the name of the student and their College/University information. Please email this information to Falecia McKnight at


Youth CHESS CLUB Ministry at Trinity! We will have an interest meeting on Sunday, January 14th following worship service. Please contact Bro. Richard & Sis. Danita Russell for more information, 803-236-7624.


McLeod Mobile 3D Mammography Unit will be coming to Trinity on Monday, January 29th. Please see the office for more information.


2023 Contribution Report forms are available for pickup. Please return your completed form by January 25th. Reports will be available on January 30th.


We are in the process of updating our TMBC Directory. Please complete the information form by scanning the QR code by the office.


Women’s Ministry Prayer Retreat at Lake Junaluska - April 18th-20th. Register today with Sis. Beverly Lemon or Sis. Sandra “Niecy” Williams

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